DhunAnand Celebrates Oceans Day 2023

In an inspiring display of environmental stewardship and community engagement, a beach cleanup event was organised in collaboration with artist Zach Pine and the employees of Workday. Combining creativity, teamwork, and a passion for the environment, this unique gathering aimed to clean the beach, create stunning sand globes, and construct an exciting racing track. The event showcased the incredible power of collective effort and the transformative potential of art in fostering a stronger community.

The event started off with participants gathered at the beach, with gloves, bags, and an unwavering commitment to preserving the natural beauty of the shoreline. Teams formed, and the enthusiastic volunteers scoured the beach, diligently picking up litter and debris that had been left behind. The collective effort was nothing short of remarkable, as participants moved together like a well-oiled machine, leaving no stone unturned. And after working hard cleaning each team of two gathered almost 20 bags of trash.

To infuse the event with a touch of artistic expression, Zach Pine joined the cleanup efforts. With a deep appreciation for the beauty of nature, the artist guided participants in creating intricate sand globes, transforming the beach into an outdoor gallery. Each participant had the opportunity to contribute their artistic flair, shaping unique sand sculptures that served as a testament to their love for the environment and their desire to protect it.

The beach cleanup event, enhanced by the collaboration with an artist and the active participation of Workday employees, left an indelible mark on both the environment and the community. Through the creation of mesmerising sand globes, the restoration of the beach’s natural beauty, and the construction of a thrilling racing track, this event showcased the immense potential of art in bringing people together and instilling a sense of responsibility towards our planet. It served as a reminder that by combining our collective efforts and harnessing our creativity, we can make a significant positive impact on our environment and foster a stronger, more closely-knit community.

Message from Zach Pine

Thanks so much to everyone for including me in the beach event yesterday! I really appreciated everyone’s enthusiasm in trying new things and working and playing together!

As promised, here are some links:

My site Sand Globes Worldwide https://www.sandglobes.org/ includes a short “how-to-video” and recent instagram posts with #sandglobe creativity from around the world. I hope you’ll try making sand globes on a beach with good sand such as Crissy Field (at higher tides), Ocean Beach in SF, and Stinson Beach, and that you’ll teach others and send me some photos!

My new project Beach Propellers Worldwide https://www.beachpropellers.org/ includes printable “how-to-video” instructions, a short video, some games, and recent instagram posts with #beachpropellers. I hope you’ll make and play on beach propellers, teach others, and send me some photos!

For sand castle-making, I suggest joining in the “Community Castle” as described at the bottom of this page under “Build”: http://leapsandcastleclassic.org/register/ . The event is amazing, and I’ve often been part of the Community Castle effort.

If you want to stay in touch, or hear about upcoming free public events, you can join my email list here: https://www.zpcreatewithnature.com/contact–mailing-list.html